1. General.
Any specific job or task not included in the original contract will be charged extra to the client. All documents remain at client’s disposition against cash on delivery. Travel expenses and other additional costs will be charged to the client. Merchandise is transported at buyer’s risk. Merchandise remains Good Display bvba property until full payment.
2. Claims.
All claims regarding a breach relative to the delivery or provision of service must be hand-written and submitted, at the latest, on the 3rd working day after delivery or provision of that service. All claims regarding the content of an invoice must be hand-written and submitted at the latest on the 3rd working day following expedition of that invoice.
3. Payment.
Bills, expenses and wages are payable within 30 days as of billing date or 8 days providing a 2% discount. In the event that the payment should not be made on due date, Good Display bvba reserves the right to interrupt all activities to be provided immediately and will take legal action to obtain payment of any outstanding amount.
4. Interest on delay.
By right and without formal notice, any unpaid invoice past their due date will be charged with a 1.5% interest per month until full payment.
5. Penal clause.
In addition, by right and without formal notice, the non-payment of an invoice on due date will lead to a 10% penal clause with a minimum of 125 euros.
6. Damages.
In the Event of breach of contract relative to the client’s wrongdoing, Good Display bvba will retain any deposit paid as a contractual damage without prejudice to any other damages to be declared.
7. Competency attribution.
In case of litigation, the Court of Justice of the city of Brussels will be the only competent authority to rule, notwithstanding other possible agreement.